February 23, 2025 




The Louisville Ghost Hunters Society - Chatroom:
A new chatroom will be available soon.  Please watch for updates.

Please abide by the rules posted below in this chatroom:

1. This chatroom is for Louisville Ghost Hunters Society Members & Friends to gather and enjoy a clean community. Profanity, vulgarity, or offensive material is not permitted. This chatroom filters offensive material, and does not allow vulgarity to be posted.

2. The chat sessions on this chatroom are logged for your protection, and ours.  Any abuse on this chatroom will be captured, along with your IP address and reported to your ISP by the LGHS webmaster.  This includes regular chatroom posts, and private messages.

3. Abuse, Spam, or messages which are outside of the general guidelines for the purpose of this chatroom will be deleted. Repeat misuse of this chatroom will result in IP banning, and account "lock-out". 

4. All posts and chat discussion will be rated G or PG. We don't need to get any worse than that.

5. All chats are monitored, and individuals not willing to abide by the rules of this chats will be banned.  This includes insults, negative or slanderous posts regarding Louisville Ghost Hunters Society Members & Friends, individuals, or affiliations - regardless of nature.

6. Defamation or slander of LGHS representatives, members, or affiliations IS against the law.  Anyone displaying behavior which falls into "defamation or slander," will be appropriately handled.

We are a group of Louisville Ghost Hunters Society Members & Friends! We want to gather to promote, stimulate, and explore the world of Paranormal Science.  To help achieve this goal as much as we can, we need to make sure that we are representing ourselves well, especially for the new members that come in.  This is a community of good people, and we wish it to stay that way.

One more rule....

7. Have fun!

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Do you want more information on SPOOKED? 

Please go to
Spooked Online News to get to the up-to-date information!

Do you want more information on THE DEATH TUNNEL?

Please go to
Death Tunnel News Blog to get to the up-to-date information!


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