February 23, 2025 



Investigations Conducted By The Louisville Ghost Hunters Society:

Something Strange In Henry County
By Keith Age

Henry County, Kentucky is one of those small towns in America that time has almost stood still. The City Hall still had the Post Office attached to it and the town square looked like a post card from Mayberry, RFD.

The people that contacted us proceeded to tell us that they owned this old road, had lived most of their childhood on it and that as far back as they could remember that their Father told them to never be on this road after dark or the ghost would get them. People that started out on the road after dark had never been heard of again, balls of light were seen floating down the road and women singing and babies crying could be heard as if they were trying to lure you out of your home to search for them.

One of the ladies that contacted us started telling us that her teenage children and their friends had tried to spend their time walking down this road only to turn back because of the unbelievable feelings of being watched and weird noises all around them. Several seasoned hunters had tried hunting after daylight only to come running and screaming out of the woods, leaving their high priced weapons where they dropped them, saying that something was “hunting” them and no matter where or what they shot at this thing kept closing in on them.

On a bright April afternoon LGHS Senior Investigators Jay Gravatte, Sharon Brown and myself decided to check this out for ourselves. After the hour-long ride we met our hosts, several adults and their teenagers at the local Dairy Queen. All were excited to tell us about the latest events to happen to them since we had last corresponded. They had tried to get some videotape of the “ghosts” but were scared off by the sounds of a baby crying and a woman singing and couldn’t wait for us to get out there to see what we could find.

After following them down several two-lane roads we turned off onto a road that looked to be nothing more than a trail. Upon further investigation you could see where there had once been a concrete road but had not been taken care of in a long time. The road was broken, water drainage pipes were breaking through the surface and mud had replaced the concrete were the creek that ran beside the road had overridden its banks. As we started down this road the first thing we noticed was all the garbage that had been dumped on the side of the road opposite the creek bed. As we walked there was a clearing on our right that led into the woods that was fenced off and the grass was maintained. Once we had passed this clearing the road became more broken and started downward. The teenage girls also accompanied us and were talking about all the weird things happening. At that point there was an extremely loud braying noise from the clearing and the girls took off running back up the road. When we had caught up to them I asked if this was the noise they had heard the other night they all answered yes. The noise was actually a mule up on the clearing and from where we were now standing you could see. Once their nerves were settled we started back down the road.

As we moved further down the road the woods became much denser. You could hear trees popping and moaning, water running from the creek and several birds singing.

One thing I noticed was that there were no animal tracks in the fresh mud or the streams that ran across the road which I pointed out to Sharon and Jay who then started looking for tracks as went along. I asked our hosts what type of game did they have around there and their reply was that there should be squirrel and rabbits but they have never seen any on or near the road.

Our EMF meters never picked up anything but something we started noticing was that the further down this road we got the denser the air became. The barometer had dropped 15 degrees but the sun was still shining through the trees. The blood was rushing to our fingertips, our hands started swelling and there was a lightheadedness we were all starting to feel.

The 4 wheel drive trucks and dirt bikes had made a lot of ruts in the road, which made walking a new problem. Our hosts were hanging back behind us, which was a little strange since we were leading them down an old abandoned road that they had lived on for years. Something wasn’t right which I let Sharon and Jay know that I was not very comfortable with this situation. It was then that I noticed something very strange.

On the hillside to our right I caught a glimpse of something moving in the woods. Every time I tried to focus on it, it moved so I never could see exactly what it was. It was low to the ground, dark and didn’t make any noise when it moved. The only thing was whatever this thing was it was following us. Sharon tried to get a photo of it but by the time she focused on it it moved again. Now we had a new set of problems. Was this someone following us, our hosts who we didn’t really know was acting strange and we were in an unfamiliar town.

At this point the road was almost impassable with stones that had fallen into the road and the road had deteriorated to nothing more than mud. Whatever was following us couldn’t be seen. Our hosts had caught up to us and I asked why they were hanging back and their answer was simple, they were afraid. The road ended here.

Sharon and I then told Jay about what we had seen shadowing us and we all decided to go back to the vehicles. About half way up the road we found some rocks that had been overturned in a place that we had to step over so we knew they were not there when we had first past them. Upon close examination there were three fresh deep scratch marks on one stone. As we pressed on we started finding a few tracks on the other side of the road of small animals. A few raccoon track, squirrel tracks and then several small cat tracks. A little further up the road we found a few medium sized cat tracks and a lot of smaller cat prints behind the medium sized one.

That’s when we heard the sound of something scrambling up the hill next to us. Tree limbs cracking and then we caught sight of whatever was following us again. Directly across from us on the other side of the creek. We told Jay that if whatever it is comes down the hill and crosses the creek, he was the expendable one for the better of the group. Jay didn’t quit understand this until we came across the single deer track. Because right behind the track was a cat track the size of my hand!

The whole time we were going back up the road a single bird could be heard singing in front of us. As we came nearer to the clearing and to our vehicles Sharon said lets do a little experiment. Since the bird is chirping at the edge of the clearing lets see what happens when whatever is following us gets up to that point. Just as we crossed into the clearing the bird was still chirping but as the shadow got to the edge of the clearing the bird stopped chirping and we didn’t hear it again.

So was this a “ghostly” haunted road, a tall tale come to life or something a lot simpler like survival of the fittest. You decide what the evidence tells you.

Keith Age
AGS Ky Rep/LGHS Pres.

(Above) Claw marks photographed on a rock in the area.

(Above) Photo taken at the scene during the investigation by LGHS members Keith Age, Jay Gravatte and Sharon Brown.

Prints seems to be that of a mountain lion.

(Above) Photo of cast prints sent into LGHS by a resident of the area following news accounts of a large cat-like creature being seen in the vicinity.

Disclaimer: The material and pictures presented on these pages in no way suggests that what has been captured and documented with audio, video, still camera or first hand experiences proves that this location is "haunted". Only that what has been recorded can not be explained.


Henry County, KY

By David McArthur, WAVE TV

(PENDLETON, Ky., June 15th, 2004, 11 a.m.)-- State officials in Henry County are investigating a link between lost pets and recent reports from residents that they've seen mountain lions in the area. WAVE 3's David McArthur explains.

On a farm in western Henry County, Dr. Jann Aaron is accustomed to living with wildlife -- but not mountain lions. "I said, 'oh my God! Henry, did you see that? There was a lion ran down the flat bed wagon and jumped into the field.'"

Baughman confirms his wife story. "The first I heard about it my wife saw it jump, and was afraid to tell anybody because she didn't want me to think she was crazy."

But they were not alone. Not far up the road, the impression of a large paw print and a loud noise has Lynda Clark suspecting a possible big cat in the area. "No, I did not see it," she says. "But what I heard was not a Tomcat or little-bitty cat, and I haven't heard anything like it since I've been out here."

Louisville Zoo Big Cat Expert Dave Hodge says mountain lions (called cougars in Kentucky), do not surprise him. "It's going to be hard on the dog population and cat population."

But Hodge adds it's not a natural occurrence. "It's a 99.9% likelihood these are captive animals that have gotten loose or were released."

So far, most of the mountain lion reports are coming from around the Jerrico Lake area. Many residents feel the lion -- or lions -- are using that area as a home base and venturing out for food.

Investigators with Kentucky Fish and Wildlife say the tracks they've studied so far are inconclusive. So the mystery continues. Officials urge anyone with more information to give them a call.

Until it's resolved Clark will keep a closer watch on her goat and dogs. "I think they need to put more effort toward catching it and getting rid of it," she says. "If that means shooting it, so be it."

Hodge on the other hand hopes the lion or lions can be caught. "They'll have to be dealt with in some manner. Hopefully, alive in a sanctuary somewhere. If they are allowed to roam, they will become a problem."

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* The Louisville Ghost Hunters Society Investigations are not always public, we do confidential investigations of haunted residences which will not be reported on our website.

If you have a haunted house, or a unexplained phenomenon that you would like us to investigate - please do not hesitate to contact us, and rest assured that your investigation will remain strictly confidential (unless you wish to release our findings to the public).


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