Breaking News, January 22, 2025, in the Paranormal World!
Paranormal News provided by Bonnie Vent.
Book - Divine Dialogs
Divine Dialogs book and readings
Embark on a transformative journey with 'The Connection' through the pages of this incredible e-book by Medium Bonnie Vent. Let their wisdom spark a new perspective and awaken your curiosity. Are you Ready? Need a reading?
Energy Update - Bonnie Vent Channeling - Finding the Value
We have spoken to you many times about the fall of governments. The old systems need to be replaced with new ones. The energies that cling to the old are strong indeed. Those that are attached to these energies feel they are losing all power, control and money, if they shift to new and better ways. They seek to lock others into the old ways with fear and anxiety. Most have not experienced this type of energy in this lifetime, but some have.
Energy Update - Bonnie Vent Channeling - Winds of Change
Have you noticed the intensity is increasing? You may be experiencing physical effects from this increase in energetic flow. We suggest to you that you continue to work on your balancing of energy. Much like standing in a wind storm, you can achieve balance and adjust your position as the winds change. Truly the energy is coming in and in the form of a wave or solar wind gusts.
Energy Update - Bonnie Vent Channeling - Lionsgate Portal is Open
Bonnie Vent is a medium/channeler
This message is for those who have chosen their own path. You must realize that you do not think like the crowd. You may at times wish that you did, as that path can seem easier. It is the “follow the leader” type of path. Not much discernment is required for this path. You can do nothing for those that have chosen the follow the leader path. They will fight you until the bitter end that you are the one heading in the wrong direction. You must show compassion and let it go. We say this to you again and again, listen to your own guidance system.
Energy Update - Bonnie Vent Channeling - Question more!
This message is directed to those who “think out of the box.” Your day is coming, dear ones. For so long you have dealt with ridicule by those who never go below the surface and never question what they are being told. The pretty colored wrapping paper is starting to show signs of wear and tear. The narrative is sputtering and even the most oblivious are starting to wonder why things do not feel normal. Many are having reactions in the body that are causing panic attacks, headaches, stomach issues, etc.
Energy Update - Starting Over in the Now
Bonnie Vent is a medium/channeler
We know you feel like you are starting over again. You feel like you have been at this square before. We suggest you look closer. It is not the same square. It is the starting square at the next level.
You need to be aware of this in the choices you make going forward. The opportunities and the experiences will be expanded from what you have seen in your short past. The limits placed upon you are no longer present. You are now able to expand your energy to anywhere or anything you wish to explore. Your physical body is not needed for these journeys and explorations.
Masks are going away. Now what?
In these times of hyper concerns about germs, we find ourselves not knowing if our environments are clean and clear from harmful pollutants. This air purifier necklace can be a great options. Regardless of which side of the debate you may be on taking shots or not, everyone seems to have the same concern. We all want to feel safe while out and about with: loved ones, friends, and co-workers.
Energy Update - Bonnie Vent Channeling - Grieving the Old and Accepting the Now plus new art
We once again talk about rapid change. There is a grieving process that goes along with so much change. Many loved ones are opting to leave at this time and there will be more in the future. This is why so many messages have talked about letting go and navigating your own path.
Energy Update - Bonnie Vent Channeling - Be the Crazy Inventor
It has never been a good idea to go along with the crowd or to feel forced in a direction you have no desire to go. Go you own way and work with your own guidance systems. It may be lonely at times, but that is to keep you from falling into a harmful state due to lack of thought and choosing what the crowd is choosing. When a crowd is running blindly in one direction, run the other way and build things in this counter direction. Bright new ideas are always counter to the crowd. The greatest creator beings and famous inventors were all thought to be crazy in their own lifetimes. Now they are honored for their great contributions to humanity. Be more of that, dear one!
Energy Update - Bonnie Vent Channeling - Chart Your Own Course
You are truly in a space and time where you need more than ever to use your own guidance systems. Much like the great explorers in your history, looks to the stars and the guideposts along the way.
Mini Tarot Readings by Bonnie Vent.
Bonnie Vent will pull one card for you personally from the Angel Tarot Deck. You will receive her insights as well as the full description of the card that was selected for you. No appointment is necessary.
Energy Update - Bonnie Vent Channeling - Handling Sadness
We have noticed great sadness in the energy fields of many. The balancing of the personal energy field takes more efforts in this now. Many are tired and wondering if they are living their purpose. While others are just starting to ponder what being of service to humanity really means.
New Wall Art Creations by Bonnie Vent.
Great energy for your home or office.
Energy Update - Bonnie Vent Channeling - It is a Path, not a Destination
You will continue to need to find opportunities that bring joy and assist with your finances. Many of the current jobs will continue to fall away and new ways must be found. No better time than now to start exploring these new opportunities.
Energy Update - Bonnie Vent Channeling - The New Timeline
You are in a time of transition. The road will continue to be bumpy and you will still see chaos in the outside world. There is no going back, only forward. Choose with great care, dear ones. Don’t be afraid to make adjustments along the way as things unfold and are revealed to you. Positive energy is needed now more than ever before.
The Connection Channeling – What do I have that is Sacred?
There is a saying: “Never drive faster than your guardian angel can fly!” So true. The pace is increasing in speed and much of this pace is coming from the population of the planet as whole, especially in developed countries. The mass scrambling for control is creating great chaos.
NEW Art by Bonnie Vent.
New art pieces inspired by crystals and stones. Perfect for uplifting your energy. Bright vibrant colors.
Michael Jackson - Man in the Spiritual Mirror
My friend Lorin Morgan-Richards had an interesting experience that he shared with me last night. I asked him if he would say a few words about the his experience of seeing and photographing what appears to be Michael Jackson from the early 80's.
Bonnie Vent - Energy Update - The 818 and the New Moon Energy
It is no accident that we come to you on this day the 818 and new moon. We just can’t seem to say change enough to you at this time. You have spent the last cycle on yet another shedding of the old. It very deep for those that participated. It starts with your childhood and you may have been triggered by your long-ago childhood trauma in your present time. Your heightened awareness amplifies all that you see around you. This is why we keep reminding you to take breaks and do whatever you can to remain in balance. Much like a river where sometimes it is lazy and sometimes you are struggling against the rapids to stay in your personal boat.
Energy Update - Bonnie Vent Channeling - The Time Will Be Your Time
Timing is becoming important as things continue to speed up around time. Take time right now to ask yourself how much of the anxiety I am feeling is actually mine and how much is coming from external forces? Most if they really stop to sort this out will say in the moment while I am hearing or reading this, I am peaceful. If you are truly in a situation where you do not feel safe, you must address it immediately and take steps to remedy your situation. We can assure you that these types of circumstances do not get better and as you move forward on your path it will become harder and harder to ignore conflicts in energy patterns that are harmful to your growth.
Energy Update - Bonnie Vent Channeling - Blend Your Thoughts
As the well beaten path falls away for many, a new path must be cleared. We hope you have been using this time to go within and find or develop the next phase of your life. Do not be afraid to try new things, change your mind, or as the slang goes, pivot.
Energy Update - Bonnie Vent Channeling - Wishing on the New Days
It is time for serious checking of facts, and we do not mean watching commentary on television. What is occurring is not what you are being told. For the spiritually aware, we want you to remember you came here at this time to rise to a new level. You are the carriers of the light. We do not want your light to by dimmed by fear. Yes, there are opposing forces at work. They will try to push you, but just stand firm. There is no need to push back as this creates a force that will bounce back on you.
Unlocking the Secrets of Channeling: Bonnie Vent Channeling - Great Remembering
Many on the spiritual path are aware the current systems are broken, but still embrace them. You may have a sense of helplessness. We want you to know you already have everything you need within you. Action steps are needed. You may have to give up a current challenge, as it no longer has value.
Michael Jackson important message channeled by Bonnie Vent
I am going to choose my words very carefully as this is intended to be public in nature. I purposely did not put out a message yesterday as there is no joy in my death anniversary.
Energy Update - Bonnie Vent Channeling - Balancing Your Energy
Bonnie Vent is a medium/channeler
As this transitional time continues, it becomes more and more vital to take charge of your energy field. You will need to check in with yourself and make necessary adjustments. The energy fields in your environment are not stable. It is up to you to adjust and remain balanced. If you do not like the way you are feeling, then it is up to you to change it and clear it away.
Angel Card Readings by Bonnie Vent June 28, 2020
Please join me for this Mini-Angel Card Reading Event. This is a LIVE Q and A session. You can request a card reading, ask a question or both. It is limited to 1 message per person to assure that everyone who wants a message receives one. The session will be performed on YouTube in a private group session. Only paid participants will know about this session, thus creating a safe space.
Energy Update - Bonnie Vent Channeling - Fork in the Road
Many are feeling great discomfort as the timelines shift and separate. We have told you in the past of the upcoming chaos. It is very much in your 3D reality at this time. Many are feeling a physical reaction. We have discussed these reactions before and to do your best to maintain your energetic balance. The timelines are separating and the fork in the road in coming into full view. More info on video and podcast.
Energy Update - Bonnie Vent Channeling - Well-being with HD 1080p nature video. 14 languages.
Have you started to notice how much you control your body and your overall health? We ask this to bring attention that no matter what is going on in the outside world, it is up to you as an individual to take care of yourself. There are a wide range of things to do from showing kindness to yourself and others, to the food you eat and how you feel about your emotional triggers.
Energy Update - Bonnie Vent Channeling - Time to Process
We wish to speak today about the energy forces coming in at this time. Do you find you have a feeling of tiredness or exhaustion? If so, it is normal. The energy entering into your environment is very powerful. It does require some time to process.
Energy Update - Flipping the script - Bonnie Vent Channeling
For many it is time to flip the script and go into creating mode and leave the fear and victim-hood in the distant past. Ponder ideas in your “sand box” and play with the ideas and potential outcomes. Leave limiting doubts and fears out of your sand box as well as all the well-meaning voices of others that limit your thoughts.
Energy Update - Global Awakening - Bonnie Vent Channeling
Welcome to the global awakening. You are pioneers and explorers of a new space and time. Your true essence needs to come to the surface. It is time to see who and what you really are.
Energy Update - Gatherings advice - Bonnie Vent Channeling
Standing in your truth does not mean crushing the energy of those around you. Be the lighthouse and let them come to you and ask you about your light. Share freely, but in small bites.
Conversations with the Dead - Michael Jackson and Nikola Tesla LIVE October 6 at 6PM PT
Conversations with the Dead brings forward well known people who have requested Bonnie Vents services to bring forward public messages for the living. In this session Michael Jackson has requested to introduce the main guest Nikola Tesla to the audience.
Powerful Energy Update: Channeling the Connection - Brace for Intense Emotions
We would like to speak about the next phase. Letting go of the old and taking a leap of faith to something unfamiliar will cause highly emotional responses. They will flow through and around you. Little things can trigger big responses. Let the emotions happen. Do not try to suppress them, but also notice how they change when you make positive self-care changes. The outside world will remain chaotic, but that does not mean that you need to follow the same patterning provided to the masses. Where ever the masses are going, stop, take pause and check to see if the opposite direction holds more energy balance for you.
Michael Jackson 61st Birthday message to MJ fans all over the world.
Happy Birthday Michael Jackson! 10 years we have been working together. Still standing by your side. Michael Jackson specially requested this message of Unity and Creativity go out to all the MJ fans in the world. It is time to take action and incorporate your spiritual gifts into your creative gifts to this world. You are fully empowered to be your own unique self. Be fierce and a spiritual warrior. Please share this message far and wide. Your gifts and talents are needed at this time. This video is an edited version of a live session done in May 2019. The channeled message has not been edited, only the introduction. The live readings are not included in this version.
Michael Jacksons Spirit Channeling by Bonnie Vent - Call to action for entertainers.
Michael Jacksons spirit comes through with a message for entertainers and creative people. Good News and very positive message about unity energy. Bonnie Vent takes questions and pulls angel tarot cards for the audience in the chat. Most answers apply to more than just the individual asking the questions. Originally filmed live on YouTube.
Paranormal Frequencies - LIVE Interview with Bonnie Vent
Bonnie Vent has become an internationally known medium and channeler for her work with celebrities both living and dead. As a Spirit Advocate she has delivered messages for celebrities such as: Michael Jackson, Steve Irwin, George Carlin and more. She has also performed field research at historical sites to correct some well known legends and assist the people involved in these stories. Simply put: delivering messages from: angels, guides and loved ones is just what she is naturally wired to do. Her services are also available to you.
Bonnie Vent Channeling Musician and Author Jesse Shepard aka Francis Grierson Plus Mini Tarot Readings, Session 05
Bonnie Vent channels Jesse Shepard the author and musician who also was a channeler when he was alive. He died in Los Angeles in 1927 at the piano. His Victorian mansion the Villa Montezuma still exists in San Diego, CA. Jesse Shepard claims he built the house with the ability to channel in mind.
Also, Bonnie Vent does minireadings with Angel Tarot Cards for the live audience in the chat. Please: subscribe, share and so you do not miss the next session.
Surprise visit from The Beautiful Stranger during Angel Tarot Card reading session with Bonnie Vent, Session 04
The Beautiful Stranger of Hotel Del Coronado came through with a brief message about her life and a warning about the betrayal that led to her murder.
Bonnie Vent takes questions and pulls angel tarot cards for the audience in the chat. Most answers apply to more than just the individual asking the questions.
Surprise visit from Michael Jackson during Angel Tarot Card reading session with Bonnie Vent, Session 03
Michael Jackson comes through with a message for creative people. Good News and very positive message about unity energy.
Bonnie Vent takes questions and pulls angel tarot cards for the audience in the chat. Most answers apply to more than just the individual asking the questions.
Angel Card Tarot MiniReadings Bonnie Vent Channeling, Session 02
Bonnie Vent takes questions and pulls angel tarot cards for the audience in the chat. Most answers apply to more than just the individual asking the questions. Relationships and starting new projects are highlighted. Next session May 26, 2019
Angel Card Tarot MiniReadings Bonnie Vent Channeling, Session 01
Bonnie Vent takes questions and pulls angel tarot cards for the audience in the chat. Most answers apply to more than just the individual asking the questions. Relationships and starting new projects are highlighted. Next session May 19, 2019
Relationship advice, Bonnie Vent Channeling, Session 46
We would like to talk about your relationships. Everyone is doing what they feel they need to do to make their lives work for them. There is no judgement here. For those reading or hearing this message we suggest to you that it is time to surround yourself with those that are being completely themselves. There is no need for guessing games of what to do when you are around them.
Energy update, Review and Reflection, Bonnie Vent Channeling, Session 45
We would like to discuss the current energy heading your direction and perhaps for some it has already arrived. If you are feeling extra emotional right now, you are already feeling the effects. Please use these feelings to your greater good. It is time to review and let go of things and situations that no longer serve your best interest. If you understand the energy you can be more productive in its use.
Energy Update - The Connection Channeling - Focus Creates a Positive Effect
You should also be noticing the shake up with existing systems. If they went against the flow of a person’s spiritual growth, they are being dismantled by the very people who were participating in them. They have reached the point of saying: “No more.” This is the best kind of disruption. It frees the spirit to create in new ways. It expands the mind and what the individual considers as acceptable. It creates new opportunities and new ways of being. It is a trigger to a spiritual growth spurt.
Energy update, How to Find Your Curiosity and the Next Step, Bonnie Vent Channeling - Session 44
We have crossed another threshold and those who are attuned will be sensing this step forward and up. Now is the time to teach yourself new information and with your own powers of discernment. You are an independent being trying to have an experience, all while the culture tries its best to put you into a mold to be just like everyone else. Time to break free, dear one, and go out exploring.
Energy update, How to Find Core Purpose, Bonnie Vent Channeling, Session 43
We would like to discuss the concept of purpose. Many are still asking about their purpose. Please know that the fact that you are asking means you have achieved a level of awareness. Congratulate yourself. So many are criticizing themselves over this topic, while others claim confusion and a lack of knowing.
Energy update, How to Deal with Emotions, Bonnie Vent Channeling, Session 42
We would like to speak today about human nature and your increased sensitivities. The energy waves coming in at this time are increasing your awareness. As a result you will experience an increase in your emotions.
Leaving the Spiritual Nest and Returning to Base State, Bonnie Vent Channeling, Session 41
We would like to talk about healing and your thought processes. Some says to us that they feel stuck while they are receiving opportunities and dismissing them.
Self healing and Protection for the Spiritually Aware
Marla Brooks and Bonnie Vent take the audience into a higher level discussion on the causes of illness, what to do about it and how to protect yourself from unwanted energy in your space.
Who or What is Channeling explained by: Bonnie Vent and the group she channels, known as: The Connection
Marla Brooks and I took the audience into a fascinating journey into what channeling is and the process used by: "The Connection" as well as a live channeling session with questions directly from the audience in chat while Bonnie Vent was in channel.
Channeler Bonnie Vents temperature drops 5 degrees when channeling starts and ends during a live streaming YouTube.
For the first time Bonnie Vent was monitored while she channeled by Cynthia Sweeney and her husband PJ. A very interesting temperature drop occurred exactly timed with the beginning and ending of the channeling session.
VIDEO The Connection Live Stream Q and A with Bonnie Vent and Marla Brooks 01
The Connection with Bonnie Vent and Marla Brooks is a LIVE channeled Q and A session. Bonnie Vent is a medium and channeler and Marla Brooks an author and show host on the ParaX Radio Network. Her show is Stirring the Cauldron.
VIDEO 2019 Psychic Predictions, Earth changes, heart centered, Bonnie Vent Channeling, Session 40
Topic: Psychic Predictions for 2019. Including, earth changes, more light, chaos in governments, heart centered business, fall of MSM, Independent journalism
VIDEO Predictions for midterm elections and beyond, Bonnie Vent Channeling, Session 39
Topic, The circumstances will be highly manipulated in what you call the midterm elections. Your existing form of government will be called into question it a very public way.
The Connection Channeling - You Are Not Alone - by Bonnie Vent
Powers of discernment have been running on overdrive. Whom to believe, what are the real facts, are their things happening outside of our awareness? Yes, to all of your questions. The outside world is very confused. There is a mixture of heightened awareness to the point it is painful, down to the very numb, and somewhere in between.
VIDEO Taste every drop that life has to offer. Bonnie Vent Channeling, Session 38
Learn how to live a spiritual life. Topics, We told you about the shaking of your government to its core. We hope that you are seeing the manipulation in play. If you are not very careful the manipulation with cause you to give up very good things for what is perceived as a threat.
Did Anna Whaley make a ghostly appearance at the famously haunted Whaley House?
I looked at the photos and received the impression that is was Anna Whaley. Anna was very small. She is commonly known to be in this area among others.
Life changes are happening very rapidly. Bonnie Vent channeling Session 37
Topics: Life changes are happening very rapidly for those that love the adventure and set their intentions toward their passions. While other seem depressed or bored waiting for something to happen when they have not set any intent.
What if a ghost photobombed your selfie? Proof of an afterlife?
We have all taken a selfie at one time or another on our cell phones. However, for Harper Kurtz her picture had a very special photobomb.
Negativity Defense Tool; Preserve Your Peace. Bonnie Vent channeling Session 36
Topics: We have mentioned many times about the chaos in the outside world. Be sure to use your mirror and let things pass by that do not resonate with you. There is no need for resistance as it blocks your energy flow.
Would You Buy A Haunted House?
Would you buy a haunted house? Quite a few people would, according to the results of a 2017 survey conducted by
Missouri Castle House Is the Most Haunted Place in the Midwest. Buy It If You Dare!
The owners of the historic Castle House in Brumley, MO, have taken what is usually considered a negative for any home, its reputation for being haunted, and turned it into a positive.
Deathbed Visions of Angels
Many people worldwide have said shortly before their deaths that they have experienced visions of angels appearing to help them make the transition.
Mansion from Blade Runner and House on Haunted Hill Goes Up For Sale in Los Angeles
One of Frank Lloyd Wrights most famous mansions, known as the Ennis House, is up for sale in east Los Angeles. And even if you do not know the house, you certainly know the movies that the famous building has appeared in.
New healing energy waves coming in - Bonnie Vent channeling - Session 35
The energies coming in now are well equipped to assist in healing and letting go of these old energy patterns. For most these patterns were formed in childhood and then taken it on like a suit that is too tight.
Energy Update - The Connection Channeling - Lionsgate Portal
It is in the joyful state, that the magic happens and things begin to flow with greater ease. There will be challenges and you will receive opportunities to intentionally balance yourself from within.
Energy Update - Bonnie Vent Channeling - What Do You Want?
If you are following the spiritual path, you must first acknowledge the truth. Only then can you focus your light on the darkness. This is how you disable circumstances that are not to the best and highest good. Start creating solutions. Actively participate with what you want experience.
Michael Jackson Channeling Save our Children and Ourselves
Channeled message from Michael Jackson by Medium and Channeler Bonnie Vent
Perhaps people do not realize the true heart of an artist. We leave little pieces of ourselves in everything we do. For those that feel my presence in the music I created, you are correct, it remains there always. I would like to use this as an example of discernment. Stay pure and do not accept fakes or copies. It is part of the programming of the culture to follow along and to let others tell you what is good and what is not. This programming bypasses your god given power to decide for yourself.