The included photos were created or submitted by Rhonda Jurgenson, the
resident photo analyst for The Louisville Ghost Hunters Society.
Rhonda receives dozens of photos in her e-mail account each week, and
most often - they are good photos, but do not capture anything
"paranormal." These photos are called "False Positives," and can
be caused intentionally or unintentionally.
Whichever the case, Rhonda has provided examples of her own "false
positives" so that people can learn what to look for, and what NOT to
look for in a photograph suspected of being "paranormal."
These photographs contain RE-CREATED false positive examples, which
were produced for the sole purpose of this gallery. The photos are
displayed with captions, so that you can learn how easily it is to
create such a photo - or how the accidental "paranormal" phenomena
occurred in the photo, with common everyday non-paranormal explanations.
While we do understand that some photos submitted cannot be explained,
they often are very small in percentage to the photographs that can.